In this article, I will show you  how to get traffic to your blog or website in a very short time. You only need to work for about 10 to 15 minutes a day and by doing this for only 10 days consistently you will see results.The method that I’m about to show you in this article is really super simple, free and most importantly, it works. It has worked for me and it works for millions of people all over the world. 

What is this method? How does it work? Keep reading to the end!. This traffic method, which  I call the traffic flooding method, is simply copying and pasting your content especially on websites that have millions of visitors every month. Super simple right? I just copy and paste my own content i.e. my own blog posts on other websites. I will show you the websites one after the other and explain step by step how this method will really help you get a lot of traffic which are thousands of new users and people into your website.



  1. Linkedin                                                                                                                                                                         

I’m not here to tell you to go and paste your links inside the feed. Not at all! However if you don’t have an account on LinkedIn, then try signing up first. Today Linkedin is considered to be one of the best social media networks that will help you get traffic. In your account click on ‘write article'( not a post) and simply copy your article and paste it into your linkedin profile. This will take you just a few minutes to publish your article on linkedin. You may ask, what benefit will l get by copying and pasting my article on linkedin? Well, I will show you exactly how this strategy will help you post the same articles on linkedin as articles. 



Quora is simply a question and answer(Q and A) website where you can ask and answer questions on. But today I’m not here to tell you to go and answer questions and link back. No! In quora you will just go to your profile , click on your profile, and then you can create a space on quora. First you need to create an account on quora. Sign up and then click on “create a space” under your profile. Name it whatever you want. 

Write a description and then in the space, you can add an image or  whatever you want. Simply put, it’s like a small website, a small group, a small space for you inside quora where you can post your own articles .Then after that, you can start copying and pasting your articles on Quora. Again! please! Some patience: I will tell you in a little bit how this will really help you a lot, so keep reading to the end. So just copy and paste on the Quora website where many articles have been posted already..



Medium also allows you post your articles. You can write articles on this website for free. Moreover if you want to start an affiliate marketing business and you don’t have a website or money to start, you can use as your own website to post your articles and also promote affiliate links. Now, the point here is to simply go and create an account or sign up and then click on ‘write a story’. You will then copy your article including the title and paste it. You will  then click on ‘publish’ to publish  it on medium.  So these are the first three websites we mentioned so far- linkedin articles, Quora spaces, and to publish your stories or articles.

Now the question is, okay I copied and pasted my articles and published them on these websites! How will I get traffic? What is the correlation between publishing on these websites and getting traffic? This is super important. Why, you may ask? If you do a search on, you will see that medium gets around 223 million monthly visits. If you also go to Quora, it usually hits about 500 million visits. If you also go to linkedin, it hits about 1 billion visits per month but don’t take my word for it! Do your research. So the first benefit of posting your articles on these three websites is that – If someone is searching on linkedin for a topic, he may find your article. If someone is searching on Quora for a topic, he may find your article. If someone is searching on medium, he may also find your article. So this is the first benefit.

These websites – Quora, Linkedin, and medium have very high rankings on google. Therefore,  your article may also rank on google through these websites, instead of your own website, which is still new and has no rank on google. And this is very important because you can get free organic traffic from search engines into your articles. 

Now , you may still ask that if you got traffic into Medium, Quora, and  Linkedin, how then do you get traffic back into your website? It’s simple and that’s exactly what I will be showing you! For you to get traffic to your website,  you just simply use internal links. You can use links to your own services or to your own websites. So anyone reading your article on Quora, Linkedin and medium can simply link back or can simply go back into your website. And this is how you can get free traffic to your  website.  So the main benefit is to get free organic traffic into your articles and link back into your website. Whenever you write on those websites and you start getting followers like people reading about your content, your services or your business, you are simply doing brand awareness. You are simply letting people know about you and about your business so they will go and visit your website and see if they like your content. One very important point is to always publish real value. 

Your articles should provide real value, which may even be a  small paragraph as long as it provides real value for your followers. So head over to LinkedIn, Quora and Medium,  sign up and try them out. , it will take you less than five minutes to publish the same articles from your blog into these websites. If you are yet to own a blog, head over to my article on blogging to set up your Word press blog.

Now we will move on to the rest of the websites which are somewhat  easier. Here, we only publish the links of the articles to our website. Let’s continue:



This is also another website where you can paste your blog article links. When you paste your article link you will click on and wait a little bit, and it will automatically fetch and show the article. You will see that it fetches everything , then you will click on mix and you can add to the collection and publish your article. usually hits about 1.4 million visits per month, which is also very good. It is based in the United States, so it’s a good traffic source. Publish also all your links and articles consistently on 



You may already know about Pinterest, however Pinterest is really powerful in the area of traffic generation. Why, you may ask? It’s simply because on  Pinterest people use the search feature a lot, unlike Facebook and other social media platforms. Here people use the search feature to find things they are interested in.  Simply go to the Pinterest website and click on ‘create’, after you sign up (that is if you don’t have an account), click on create a pin and simply enter the URL of your blog and the title.

You can also write a small description if you like and then create an image . The simplest way to create an image for Pinterest is to use Go to the Canva website and click ‘create a design’ and select. Just search for ‘Pinterest’ and  select the Pinterest pin and then it will give you the best size for the Pinterest pins. It will also display a lot of templates for you to choose from. You can then create your own if you want.

After you make the design, simply download it and then publish  in your Pinterest account. So go and start publishing one or two pins on Pinterest daily using this strategy. It will take less than 30 seconds to do this.  


    6.                                                                                                                                                                       The last website which is number six and which I think is  one of the best is slideshare. It however requires four or five times  more effort. It gives you the chance to create and publish your small slides or small Ebooks. So what you are going to do on this website is to upload a small version of your article.

You can simply create a small version of your article to explain what the article is all about and simply go to Slideshare and upload it.  Slideshare hits about 182 million views which shows it’s also one of the best websites to publish on and get traffic from. You can publish the pdfs and then link back to your website. So these are the six websites I have for you today.

Please comment in the box below about your daily visitors today and after 10 days of applying this strategy, come back and tell people how many more visitors you got from applying this strategy from these websites that I just showed you in this article.

We can motivate each other and help each other improve and get more traffic on our websites.. I encourage you to  try it, it’s super simple and totally free plus it takes a few minutes.  Just try it, and you will see the results. I will be waiting to hear from you.

So that’s it for now. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or anything you want to share ,kindly  comment below and don’t forget to comment on your daily visitors today to see how this would improve your website traffic.


By nosobase

Hi there, my name is Ngozi but you can call me Ng ! I have always being intrigued by the fact that people can earn income from the comfort of their homes and that encouraged me to also explore various income generating streams which eventually let to me starting a blog to share some knowledge. I love watching movies and exploring the internet for various opportunities.

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