In this article, I’m going to show you how you can earn money with Fiverr and how beginners are earning up to three hundred dollars a day with no prior experience.

So if you have never used the fiverr website before, it is a website where you can register as a freelancer and people can hire you to do jobs and you can charge all sorts of prices. Some people charge five dollars, some  25 dollars while some people charge up to 95 dollars.

Just think about that guys, if that person makes 10 sales a month that’s a thousand dollars right into their bank account. On other tutorials, especially on YouTube, people usually talk about  generic things like logos.

However these are really oversaturated. Just imagine how many people offer these logos and they are very cheap.

With these prices,  it’s hard to make good profit. A better category would be something like web development which is usually in the range of  $115, $100, $200 or more. This is obviously way less competitive.  Now you might be thinking you don’t have any experience in web design and that’s okay because you don’t have to. So if you are interested in making money on fiverr starting today make sure you read this article to the end because I will be explaining everything step by step.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to have any experience and I will explain how this works later in this article. Also, if you read to the end of this article, I will be   revealing a secret strategy that I use to double the amount of profit I make on Fiverr.

Now another awesome category for this is copywriting. Once again this is an awesome niche because you can charge high amounts and there is not a lot of competition in this category. This person called Alex Fasoulo does the exact same thing.

She does copywriting on fiverr and she has made over one million dollars by copyright freelancing. Copywriting is awesome and it’s a very valuable skill for you to learn.

Online businesses need copywriters because you are going to be writing sales copies for businesses , so you can charge some pretty high rates.

You can charge up to $205 and above and the list just goes on. The more jobs or gigs you get the more you can up your price and that is basically the way it works.

And finally my personal favorites are sales videos and  this pays around $95, $40 or even $100 and all you will be doing is scripting and creating sales videos.

So if you are able to get 20 sales in a single month you would have made two thousand dollars. Remember you do not have to have any experience and I will explain exactly how you can do this for yourself in a minute.

Know this! The number one way to make money on fiverr is to do something around marketing and sales. If we check out things like social media marketing,  you will see the crazy rates that these guys charge. 

The possibilities are literally endless. You can pick the one you want for example digital marketing, writing and translation and make these gigs for yourself.

I even know people who make money doing voice overs. They don’t pay as much but they require very low effort. The person who buys your gig will send you a script, you will just record it and send it back to them.

Now I am going to show you exactly how you can do this without any skills or any experience but first let’s talk about what it is and how it actually works.

Fiverr is not only awesome for the freelancer because you can get paid, it is also awesome for business owners because they are literally able to hire talent at the click of a button.

If we go to voiceover artists for example and there’s this person that has 28 reviews as opposed to the person who has let’s say 1 000 reviews, it means as a business owner I would be much more likely to go for the person who has a better track record.

So does this mean that you can’t start out on fiverr as a completely new seller? No, it does not mean that at all. Everyone started from somewhere including  those  with 1000 reviews. 

Now let’s dive into the part that you have been waiting for and this is actually how to do this without any skills or any experience and the best part of this is literally going to take you five minutes.

When people usually come on Fiverr ,they do everything themselves, they will get an order and they will record the voice over themselves and then they will send it back.

Well the way that I and a few of my friends have been doing this on fiverr recently is by something called drop servicing. Drop servicing is also called service arbitrage where you find clients who need a service.

But these clients don’t know that you are hiring or outsourcing the service or services which they request from you. So what this means is that, someone hires you on fiverr and then you hire somebody else for a lower price.

For example, let’s say somebody hired me for ten dollars and I hire somebody else for five dollars. I keep five dollars by doing no work and the person that I hired does the work. Now don’t worry, this is completely legal and completely ethical and it is done all the time.

And I would say probably 50% of all of the  listings on fiverr are done by drop servicing. The awesome thing is something like web development. I have no idea how to render this service. However I could charge 160 dollars then pay somebody 60 dollars to do the website for me and I keep $100.

So I will show you the best website that you can use for this and then I will also  show you exactly how fiverr works which is extremely important.

If you actually want to make money, my favorite website to hire people for cheaper is this website called SEO CLERKS.

And if we just grab this and move on to seo clerk website and type in website development, you will see how cheap these freelancers are. You can go from $50,  $115 ,$95, $160 to even thirty five dollars so all you have to do is create a listing on fiverr and  make sure  it looks nice and professional. 

And if Someone places an order from you, then you can hop over to seo clerk and hire some of these guys there.

You can hire them for forty dollars and they will do everything for you. Just tell me what seems better guys:  would you rather work for three hours to create a website or would you rather spend five minutes to hire somebody else to do it?

This works for literally anything guys, even if we go for something like logo design you can get people for extremely cheap like ten dollars or even  five dollars.  They literally have the exact same jobs as on fiverr just way cheaper.

So now that you understand this huge opportunity let me show you the system which is extremely important to know as a new fiverr freelancer. 

This is where everything starts.  When you create a gig on fiverr you’re automatically ranked as a new seller so we encourage you to deliver your best work and service to move up to the next level.

You can create up to seven gigs which is awesome. This means that you can list seven different jobs at the same time and don’t worry about taking on too much work because you are outsourcing everything.  You can also withdraw your earnings after 14 days which is pretty cool.

And you can get everything deposited into your paypal.  After you have earned up to four hundred dollars you move up to level one ,now you have to have a 90 percent response rate which means responding to messages.  You also need to have a 90 order completion which means you are actually sending back good work and you also need to have on time delivery that’s why looking for those thumbs up on seo clerks is so important. This is simply because you need to make sure  the work is good.

This time you can create 10 active gigs and once again you can withdraw after 14 days. Once you have earned 2 thousand dollars you can move up to level 2. It’s the same thing, same completion rate and you still need to deliver good work, however this time you can list up to 20 active gigs and this is where you will be making a lot of money.

When you are a level 2 seller, you will rank higher on the fiverr search engine just like these guys and if you are showing up right here at the top on fiverr , you will be making a lot of money and then finally guys if you get into the top rated seller,  you would have earned over $20 000 once again all over 90 so it needs to be good work and then  you can create up to 30 listings and you can now withdraw after only seven days because of the fact that you do not have to do anything yourself and you can outsource everything with the drop servicing business model.

If you do not do this you are sleeping on a great opportunity because this is awesome for brand new entrepreneurs looking to make their first few dollars online.

The great thing about this is that the earning potential is absolutely huge. That’s how to make money on fiverr and I hope you guys enjoyed this article.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions down below.

By nosobase

Hi there, my name is Ngozi but you can call me Ng ! I have always being intrigued by the fact that people can earn income from the comfort of their homes and that encouraged me to also explore various income generating streams which eventually let to me starting a blog to share some knowledge. I love watching movies and exploring the internet for various opportunities.

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